JBL Model 4430 & Model 4435 Bi-Radial Studio Monitors (1984)

JBL Model 4430 & Model 4435 Bi-Radial Studio Monitors

Developed to meet the challenge of digital and advanced analog recording technology, the JBL Model 4430 and Model 4435 represent a significant new approach to two-way studio monitor design. The incorporation of the unique JBLBi-RadialTMhorn in a monitor loudspeaker provides constant vertical and horizontal polar coverage, control of the reverberant field, flat power response, image stability, and coherent sound. The two models also feature improvements in compression driver, low frequency transducer, and dividing network technology. Both systems exhibit the traditional )BL attributes of wide bandwidth, smooth frequency response, high efficiency, wide dynamic range, and exceptional reliability.

Link for PDF: JBL Model 4430 & Model 4435 Bi-Radial Studio Monitors 