1979 Crown RTA-2 spectrum analyzer Ad

Would you believe a real-time spectrum analyzer with a 60dB dynamic range?
And a 16Hz to 20KHz bandwidth?

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It’s all true. We’ve already demonstrated these facts about the new Crown RTA-2 to sound contractors and engineers. They believed- and ordered.
The RTA-2 is a tool designed for accurate evaluation of frequency response. The engineers who built it also design Crown audio components.
They know exactly what a real-time analyzer should do
The RTA-2 is complete. It includes a 5″ scope with lighted graticule, a display generally recognized to be less fatiguing than LED’s. It also includes a pseudo-random pink-noise generator for more accurate real-time readout at all frequencies.
The RTA-2 is convenient. The front panel includes pink-noise unbalanced line/mic and balanced mic outputs, and line and balanced mic inputs. Full or ⅓ octave readouts are switch selectable.
The RTA-2 is rugged. Ready to travel, anc easier to carry because it weighs only 39 pounds with its optional carrying case.
The RTA-2 is versatile. You can equalize sound reinforcement systems more quickly with it. Or monitor power amp performance with the rear panel X-Y inputs. Or demonstrate the frequency response of speaker systems.
Order today. At this price, our supply may soon be limited.