1986 Crown TEF System 12 Ad


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TEF System 12 means pinpoint accuracy in acoustic analysis. Even in the presence of other noise. TEF System 12 determines areas of reflection or
origin within parts of an inch. With this increased accuracy and the ability to document your work, you’ll be able to reduce costly call -backs by as much as 75%.
TEF System 12 also utilizes Time Delay Spectrometry (TDS), a test technique that ignores ambient interference. That means you’ll spend less time waiting for a quiet measurement situation and more time scheduling new jobs.
TEF System 12 is actually a portable measurement system with a complete range of displays that allow analysis of phase, frequency and time characteristics independently or in combination with each other. The TEF System 12 also has measurement storage capabilities. You get all the tools you need to present your clients with an accurate, proof-positive analysis.
And, you can get the TEF System 12 starting at less than $10,000.